All Things Relatable

Simple shifts create big waves- living a life you love: Christina Lecuyer

Episode Summary

In this episode, Christina talks about mindset. She shares how she had the looks, the money and the career, but was still unhappy and hated herself, and her transition to loving herself and her daily life. She still has struggles, but they have gone from bad days to bad moments. She offers some strategies that anyone can use in their own life to start living a life they love.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Christina talks about mindset. She shares how she had the looks, the money and the career, but was still unhappy and hated herself, and her transition to loving herself and her daily life. She still has struggles, but they have gone from bad days to bad moments. She offers some strategies that anyone can use in their own life to start living a life they love. 



Christina Lecuyer is a former professional golfer turned Confidence and Success Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Host of “Decide It’s Your Turn: The Podcast”. 

Through one-on-one coaching, mastermind programs, immersive events such as “Decide It’s Your Turn: Live” and “Decide It’s Your Turn: The Retreat”; Christina helps you shatter limiting beliefs, become more confident, and holds you accountable to creating and executing your most purposeful and profitable life!



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